Shakerag Hounds

Shakerag Hounds Clubhouse
3898 Neese Commerce Rd, Hull, GA 30646
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Riders must be mounted by 8:30 AM
Join us for this traditional fox hunt without the traditional dress requirements.
Come as you are! English or Western tack is acceptable and gaited horses are welcome.
We will enjoy a socially distant but exciting journey through Shakerag Hunt Country. You’ll choose your field for a safe and enjoyable ride. There is no requirement to jump coops but there will be natural obstacles such as logs and creek crossings.
All riders must wear an ASTM approved helmet.
Capping fee is $75.
Register by paying your capping fee on-line at the Shakerag website:
https://www.shakeraghounds.com/ and emailing both the Shakerag liability and Covid-19 releases, and a valid Coggins to heididhook@gmail.com by 5 PM on Thursday, December 10th.
For more information and questions please reach out to Heidi Hook at either
706-599-0059 or heididhook@gmail.com, or Tara Stricko at